AWARE Allied Health

Australian Workforce Assessment Recruitment and Retention Exercise

AWARE Allied Health

Australian Workforce Assessment Recruitment and Retention Exercise

Access the AWARE Tool for Allied Health practices

What is the AWARE Tool for Allied Health?

The Australian Workforce Assessment Recruitment and Retention Exercise (AWARE) Tool has been developed to support Tasmanian allied health practices to improve the recruitment and retention of health professionals in allied health settings in Tasmania. Designed specifically for regional, rural and remote allied health practice, the AWARE Tool seeks to identify opportunities for allied health practices to improve their ability to recruit and retain Allied Health Professionals.

Practice Reports

A comprehensive report, including confirmation of current strengths and recommendations for continuous improvement, will be available to your practice once all participating staff and any relevant contractors have completed the tool. Your practice report can be requested by clicking the “Request AWARE Report” button at the top of the page.‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎

Origin and Development of the AWARE Tool

Following the development of the AWARE Tool for General Practice in 2022, The People Project identified the need for a similar tool tailored to the needs of the Allied Health sector. The People Project developed the AWARE Tool for Allied Health in early 2023 with the assistance of Primary Health Tasmania, Brentnalls Health. The initiative has also been supported by Services for Australian Rural & Remote Allied Health. The AWARE Tool for Allied Health was launch on 15 June 2023, and is free to use.

How to Complete the AWARE Tool

The AWARE Tool has been designed to be completed by Managers, Principals/Directors, and all Allied Health Professionals and Support Staff (including administrative roles) operating in a practice.

The survey has been constructed to incorporate twelve (12) distinctive topic areas (Recruitment, Marketing, Retention, Culture, Service Delivery, Financial Management, Governance, Practice Management, Practice Team, Quality, Risk Management and Infrastructure).

There is additional opportunity for a Principal/Director or Manager from the practice to complete a statistical section that informs practice benchmarking. To complete this component, please nominate the key representative of the practice and click on the Complete Business Data button at the top of the page.

The estimated time for completion of the core questions is approximately 20 minutes. Additional time is required to complete the business data/statistical survey by the nominated representative.

Both sections can be completed at separate times.

For AHP Employees, Contractors, and Support Staff (including administrative roles)

All employed and/or contracted Allied Health Professionals and Support Staff including administrative staff operating in the practice complete the AWARE Tool survey.

From The People Project AWARE for Allied Health home page:

  1. Click on the "Access AWARE Tool" button.
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to progress through the exercise.
  3. Submit your answers.
  4. Notify the Practice AWARE Tool Coordinator when done.

For Managers/Directors

Select one Principal/Director or Manager as your Practice AWARE Tool Coordinator.

This person will need to:

  • Engage with and support the practice team while the practice is completing the AWARE Tool.
  • Complete the statistical section of the AWARE Tool on behalf of the practice.
  • Request the practice’s AWARE report when all participating team members have completed the tool.

All Principals/Directors and Managers including the Practice AWARE Tool Coordinator complete the AWARE Tool survey.

From The People Project AWARE for Allied Health home page.

  1. Click on the "Access AWARE Tool" button.
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to progress through the exercise.
  3. Submit your answers.
  4. Notify the Practice AWARE Tool Coordinator when done.

Only the Practice AWARE Tool Coordinator completes the AWARE Tool statistical section:

From The People Project AWARE for Allied Health home page:

  1. Click on the Complete Business Databutton.
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to progress through the survey.
  3. Submit your answers.

How to Complete the AWARE Tool

The AWARE Tool has been designed to be completed by Managers, Principals/Directors, and all Allied Health Professionals and Support Staff (including administrative roles) operating in a practice.

The survey has been constructed to incorporate twelve (12) distinctive topic areas (Recruitment, Marketing, Retention, Culture, Service Delivery, Financial Management, Governance, Practice Management, Practice Team, Quality, Risk Management and Infrastructure).

There is additional opportunity for a Principal/Director or Manager from the practice to complete a statistical section that informs practice benchmarking. To complete this component, please nominate the key representative of the practice and click on the Complete Business Data button at the top of the page.

The estimated time for completion of the core questions is approximately 20 minutes. Additional time is required to complete the business data/statistical survey by the nominated representative.

Both sections can be completed at separate times.


Select one Principal/Director or Manager as your Practice AWARE Tool Coordinator.

This person will need to:

  • Engage with and support the practice team while the practice is completing the AWARE Tool
  • Complete the statistical section of the AWARE Tool on behalf of the practice
  • Request the practice’s AWARE report when all participating team members have completed the tool

All Principals/Directors and Managers including the Practice AWARE Tool Coordinator complete the AWARE Tool survey.

From this web page:

  1. Click on the Access AWARE Tool button
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to progress through the exercise
  3. Submit your answers
  4. Notify the Practice AWARE Tool Coordinator when done

Only the Practice AWARE Tool Coordinator completes the AWARE Tool statistical section:

From this web page:

  1. Click on the Complete Business Data button
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to progress through the survey
  3. Submit your answers

AHP Employees, Contractors, and Support Staff
(including administrative roles)

All employed and/or contracted Allied Health Professionals and Support Staff including administrative staff operating in the practice complete the AWARE Tool survey.

From this web page:

  1. Click on the Access AWARE Tool button
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to progress through the exercise
  3. Submit your answers
  4. Notify the Practice AWARE Tool Coordinator when done

Privacy and Confidentiality

  • Participation in the AWARE Tool is voluntary
  • All AWARE Tool for Allied Health data is securely stored by The People Project
  • Participating practices will be assigned a unique registration number against which their practice data will be stored, with all other identifiers having been removed. This system allows re-identification of data should individual practices wish to re-run the AWARE Tool for comparison against previous results

How to Request your Reports

Once the Practice AWARE Tool Coordinator is satisfied that all required responses have been received they need to request the practice’s report.

From this web page:

  1. Click on the Request AWARE Report button
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions and submit your request
  3. The People Project will then generate your report and forward to the nominated email address

Contact Us

For additional information data security or the development of the AWARE Tool or to offer feedback, please contact the AWARE Tool team at The People Project Tasmania on (03) 6332 8600 or You may also contact us through our website at